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Fundraising Multiplies Kingdom Impact

Asking people for money is giving them the opportunity to put their resources at the disposal of the kingdom. To raise funds is to offer people the chance to invest what they have in the work of God. Whether they have much or little is not as important as the possibility of making their money available to God. When Jesus fed five thousand people with only five loaves of bread and two fish, he was showing us how God’s love can multiply the effects of our generosity. 

  Henri J.M. Nouwen in
“A Spirituality of Fundraising” 


My prayer this week: Lord, we are so blessed to be able to invest in your work, whether with our time, our talent, or our treasure. Thank you for the role you’ve given me in your Kingdom, and help me honor you in all aspects of what you’ve called me to do. Little is much when you are in it. Thank you for multiplying the work of our hands.