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When Winter Ends

“See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.” —Song of Songs 2:11

Many consider winter the most unpleasant of seasons. But it is necessary—if it weren’t for winter, we wouldn’t have as enjoyable a spring, summer, and fall. This is true where seasons of our lives are concerned, too.

There is much we can learn from nature because He who created nature also created us. Considering His works, we can better understand Him and His ways.

Winter may seem like a season of death, but it’s really a God-provided time of rest. After harvest, trees aren’t immediately ready to bear new fruit.

Winter provides a dormant season for nature to recover and recoup. In God’s grace, He provides winters in our lives, too—seasons when things slow, and we can rest and be refreshed.

While it is a season for rest and refreshment, it is also a season of preparation. Beneath the snow, new life is stirring. Roots are soaking up nourishment and buds are forming.

When the time is right, spring’s beauty is sprung—leaves and shoots, buds and flowers, burst forth.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” —2 Corinthians 5:17

When you find yourself in a winter life-season, know God is at work within. The situation and circumstances may be unpleasant, cold, harsh, and seem as if they’re mounting. But God is in this.

Lean into Him. Allow Him to use it all to prepare you for what’s next. Spring is coming!

As this winter breaks, may you realize and give thanks: “Winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come” (Song 2:11-12).


My prayer for this week:

Gracious Lord, I confess, as the old hymn says, “I need Thee, Oh I need Thee; every hour I need Thee.” This is especially relevant as I traverse life’s harsher seasons. Please reveal your hand and your heart to me in this portion of the journey—that I might be prepared to honor you in whatever you have for me. I long to see the season of singing!